Future First

Future First (16-19 programme)
Future First is a destination led curriculum for our learner who are aspiring to go into paid employment in the future, the aim of the programme tis to give them the opportunity to develop the skill they will need for adulthood.
The curriculum consists of the following areas;
Qualifications |
Vocational (options) |
Non-accredited Course |
Work Experience |
Entry Level /Functional skills
English Maths Digital Skills Employability PSD
Travel and Tourism PE Animal Care Catering and Hospitality Business Enterprise DofE
Independent Living Careers Education Travel Training Budgeting Health and Wellbeing
Citizenship PSHE
Internal Placements TA support Admin support DofE Volunteering Site support
External Placements Express Circuits St.Catherine’s Southfields Farm Cadent Gas National Grid Bear Grylls *full list on careers page |
As part of their Employability, PSHE and option subjects’ students take part in youth social action projects throughout the year to support the local community and school, such projects have been painting fences on the primary playground, cutting back hedges and shrubs, sweeping leaves, filling raised beds and litter picking.
Students run a series of enterprises in school also including
- Soup Kitchen
- Upcycling
As part of their preparation for adulthood the student shave access to an internal career advisor, more details can be found on the careers webpage. https://www.woodlands.warwickshire.sch.uk/PreparingforAdulthood/careers-and-work-experience-
Students in year 11 and above are support by MoveForward also. MoveForward provides one-to-one coaching and group work sessions, coaches support young people to develop essential life skills, become more independent and take part in a range of different exposures to the workplace.
Students are supported to start thinking about their choices for progression after school early on so that they can make choices within the curriculum to support their future learning. Students are supported by the careers team to look into different colleges and routes to employment. A yearly transition event in the town hall brings together all relevant colleges and providers to allow students to make contact. This year’s transition event will be held on 22nd October 2021 in Coleshill Town Hall.
More information about transition can be found on our careers page https://www.woodlands.warwickshire.sch.uk/PreparingforAdulthood/careers-and-work-experience-
Last year, Future First took part in NCS programme for two weeks, this was led by NCS during school time to make it more accessible, students completed a day in an outdoor adventure centre then completed a project making care packages for a local day care centre that had been affected by covid. The students made and delivered packages for all residents in the home which was greatly received. Part of the programme also allowed students the opportunity to complete their First Aid Qualification.
Curriculum Plan- Future First 2021-2022
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
English Qualification Functional Skills |
Novel The Hobbit J. R. R. Tolkien
Novel The Hobbit J. R. R. Tolkien
Non- Fiction Work and Leisure – Personal statement/ letter writing Applications
Poetry Poetry through rapping |
Non- Fiction Persuasive Writing Exploring adverts / Holiday Brochures
Play Package Holiday
Maths Qualification Functional Skills
Number skills Extracting and interpreting information
Money Organising information Subtraction |
Multiplication Division Length, capacity and weight |
Decimals Fraction Positional language |
Shape Sequencing Money |
Rounding Time
Essential Digital Skills Qualification |
System Settings Locating information |
Solving technical problems Saving information safely Using suitable applications
Communication using ICT Multimedia including sound videos and images |
Completing online forms and payments |
Online safety and security risks |
Physical wellbeing of using technology Reporting concerns |
ASDAN Employability Qualification |
Communicating at work
Rights and responsibilities |
Communicating at work
Rights and responsibilities |
Travelling to work
Applying for a job
Travelling to work
Applying for a job
Learning through work experience |
Learning through work experience
ASDAN PSD Qualification |
Community Action
Working as part of a group |
Community Action
Working as part of a group
Personal safety in the home and community
Individual rights and responsibilities
Personal safety in the home and community
Individual rights and responsibilities
Making the most of leisure time
Dealing with problems in daily life |
Making the most of leisure time
Dealing with problems in daily life
Citizenship |
What is Citizenship?
What are British Values?
Liberty and the Rule of Law
Liberty and the Rule of Law
Charities and community groups |
Charities and community groups
Independent Living |
Careers Travel Awareness Money Management Health and Nutrition Me and the world around me Living Independently |
PE |
Health and Fitness Or Golf |
Golf or Football |
Orienteering Or Gym |
Swimming Or Gym |
Tennis Or Athletics |
Golf Or Orienteering |
Options |
Wednesday PE Qualification Travel and Tourism Catering and Hospitality Lazer Blazer |
Thursday Business Enterprise Animal Care Catering and Hospitality |
Friday DofE Arts Award Catering and Hospitality |