Woodlands Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

At Woodlands, pupils begin their personal learning journey in a safe and secure environment, with a focus on every individual reaching positive destinations after Woodlands School. Our ambitious and inspiring curriculum is designed around key elements which underpin the Unity MAT’s shared values of Respect, Integrity and Collaboration.


Our pupils will leave Woodlands with the knowledge, communication skills and understanding of themselves and others that will enable them to lead fulfilling lives as independently as possible, as an adult.  As well as encompassing the Unity MAT values, our focus of SMSC development and Fundamental British Values is interleaved throughout our curriculum. Through effective teaching and learning, pupils will respect one another and work together to know more, remember more and do more.

Our curriculum is devised so that pupils begin their learning journey in early years, followed by a pathway that will have most impact on their learning and development. Within the curriculum, pupils will have learning opportunities that are broad, balanced and culturally rich.

Through our curriculum, we strive to ensure that every pupil develops:

  • knowledge and skills that help them to become active citizens who are visible in our local and the wider community
  • life-long communication systems so they can make positive connections with others and access and enjoy the wider world
  • resilience and integrity so they become active citizens within the community
  • discover own talents and celebrate all achievements


Curriculum Implementation

The Woodlands curriculum will always be broad and ambitious, with a specific focus on communication, reading and independence skills. A love for reading and the strategic development of tier vocabulary is embedded across the curriculum, to support the building of powerful knowledge. We implement a curriculum which is developmentally appropriate to our pupils’ needs. Pupils in Reception will start within early years and once they have completed their Reception Year, they will be assessed with parent input to evaluate which curriculum pathway they will continue on their learning journey. Our three bespoke pathways Empower, Enrich and Employ provide opportunities for our pupils to practise knowledge concepts and skills in different ways to ensure they can apply new found skills in a variety of settings for lifelong learning and being actively involved in their wider community.


Our curriculum pathways overview;


A topic-based approach ensures a broad range of opportunities and experiences throughout a pupil’s time at Woodlands School. These topics are linked to either a science, geography or history driver and are sequenced to embed key concepts of knowledge and skills. They also ensure breadth and depth of learning for all pupils, regardless of which pathway they are following or may remain on.


Early Years

We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework to inform and guide our delivery of the six areas of learning: Communication, Language and Literacy, Mathematical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We facilitate learning through adult supported play and adult directed activities with a focus on exploration and creativity. Our enabling environment reflects the pupils’ needs, backgrounds and prior life experiences in order to facilitate relevant, functional and meaningful learning. We highly value learning through play, which enables our pupils to develop their confidence, problem solving skills and become active learners. This supports their life long development.


Empower (Pre-Formal)

Empower curriculum pathway promotes respect for each pupil as an individual, emphasising the four core development areas of: Communication, Personal, Physical and Cognitive (thinking) skills.

Pupils on this pathway are at very early stages of development, and are typically

assessed at Cherry Garden Branch Maps 1 – 4. They access a curriculum that

enables them to:

  • develop positive relationships with familiar adults;
  • establish behaviours through which they can communicate with others;
  • explore the world around them using their physical and sensory capabilities;
  • develop a sense of security in the school environment.


Enrich (Semi-Formal)

Our Enrich curriculum pathway promotes pupils to develop more formal skills within the six areas of learning Communication, Language & Literacy, Personal, Social & Emotional development, Physical development, Mathematical development, Expressive Arts & Design and Understanding the World.  Pupils are typically assessed at Cherry Garden Branch Maps 4 – 8.

They access a curriculum that enables them to:

  • develop a more intentional formal communication system;
  • develop functional problem-solving skills;
  • engage with more subject specific learning.


Employ (Formal)

Our Employ curriculum pathway promotes pupils to develop Formal knowledge and skills which enable them to move towards pre-key stage standards and are typically assessed at Cherry Garden Branch Maps 8 – 15. The formal pathway will reflect elements of the EYFS early learning goals and the national curriculum. We aspire for pupils to gain qualifications at the end of this pathway and embark on either an employment or college establishment to continue their lifelong learning.


They access a curriculum that enables them to:

  • develop a range of life skills;
  • communicate effectively with a range of communication in different contexts
  • develop their confidence and independence in familiar settings and within the wider community.
  • Have secure knowledge and understanding to successfully complete qualifications and work-based placements.


Preparation for Adulthood


At Woodlands, we prepare our pupils for adulthood with the knowledge, skills and understanding to discover their aspirations and interests. Our Careers lead supports our pupils to:

  • Develop key employability skills that are highly valued by employers and colleges.
  • Increase their awareness of the different options they have available to them.
  • Communicate their strengths and recognise their personal areas for development.
  • Challenge themselves with as much independence as possible.
  • Apply their skills in the work place with organised work placements.
  • Gain advice from careers advisors with links to local colleges.
  • Receive support to secure employment by CV writing or internships
  • Visit further education settings such as sixth form, colleges, universities
  • Engage in community activities, events, relationships and friendships


Curriculum Impact

We will know that our curriculum has been successful if it:

  • Enables pupils to communicate their needs and wants
  • Equips pupils with the life-skills to be able to take care of themselves in their own home based on their individual abilities.
  • Prepares pupils for life in modern Britain ensuring they can navigate life challenges as safely as possible.
  • Ensures that our pupils can go forward beyond their school years and enjoy a productive and contented life as part of their community.
  • Motivates and inspires our pupils towards a lifelong interest in learning and where appropriate, develop ambitions for voluntary or paid employment beyond school.
  • Engages with and contributes to experiences, which take them beyond their own immediate experience of the world.
  • Achieves their full potential in all aspects of their learning and development
  • Develops self-respect and positive self-esteem.
  • Promotes diversity by sharing the attitudes, ideas and values of others.
  • Builds positive relationships with others and show respect for a diverse range of cultures.
  • Engages and educates parents in their children’s learning.