Pupil Home Learning
Top Tips for Reading and Writing at home
Twinkl creates digital educational materials that can be used by anyone who has access to the internet, anywhere. We recognise that our digital resources could help schools and families in the event of school closures, as they can be shared, downloaded and printed by teachers and parents to help children continue learning at home. In the event of school closures, Twinkl is offering every teacher in the UK access to all of our resources for one month (a One Month Ultimate Membership), free of charge. We're also offering every parent/carer of children at closed schools this same level of access so that they can find and use resources from home. Please feel free to share this with your school community and wider network. |
Resources, Including visual timetables, printable resources for English, Maths and Feelings.
HelpKidzLearn is a collection of software for young children and those with learning difficulties to play online. The software is split into five sections: Early Years, Games and Quizzes, Stories and Songs, Creative Play & Find Out About. You will get the most out of these activities if you play them together with your child. Use them as a focus for chatting. Speaking and listening is very important for young children's educational development, particularly reading and writing.
Cause and Effect games, Communication development for pupils
Welearn365 is a service offered by Warwickshire for schools to access a range of acitivties, including Word, Powerpoint, Emails, Purple Mash and Teams. Each pupil have their own account, some pupils may know their passwords however some may not. If you wish to access your child's account please contact your class teacher. |
Connecting, ICT, Curriculum tool
Topmarks gives children the opportunity to learn online, through safe, fun and engaging games and activities. We feature great, educationally sound online resources. Topmarks is a safe environment for children because we only include trustworthy, reliable educational content. |
Maths learning games, English learning games
An online resource for pupils in Alps and Himalayas, At bksb, we write, develop and supply EdTech products which improve English and maths skills. Our solutions are designed to meet the GCSE and Functional Skills Criteria, but are also suitable for any other skills improvement programme. |
Functional Skills for Pupils, Pupils in Alps and Himalayas
See what we can offer Woodlands with Roald Dahl and Classics online resources for ages 7 - 13 and Zip Phonics for ages 5 - 7. |
English, Reading, Dyslexia Support
There are over 1000 fun and educational activities for kids archived here, and new activities are added weekly. Finding the fun couldn't be easier, either. Use the menu bar across the top of the page. You can also search the archives using the search box or go ahead and start finding the fun now! |
Resources, Ideas for sensory play, arts and crafts
This is an interactive book service online, the books on here are the ones that we read in school, please create a parents account to access it. |
English, Phonics EBooks
We create content and games for our website with these goals: |
Science development
Come and join us here on the Singing Hands YouTube channel to learn more about how to sign with Makaton for users of all ages! We have everything from nursery rhymes, stories and games through to pop songs for older learners! Here you'll find clips from our range of DVDs, weekly #MakatonMonday signing clips and footage from live shows and educational concerts plus footage of some of our little (and not-so-little friends) who enjoy signing with Makaton too. Suzanne and Tracy are Regional Makaton Tutors and Co-Founders of Singing Hands. They are also parents of disabled children - their children are the inspiration for Singing Hands. |
Communication, Music
Youtube channel that encourages children and young people to be affect through tutorials of dancing. |
Active, PE
A variety of online games, that can be access either on the computer or through apps |
ICT development
A variety of child friendly games to play alongisde a variety of videos to watch from Cbeebies and their shows. |
A number of games that link up to maths, science and english games for kids. |
English, Maths, Science, ICT
A website that is used in the primary department to develop their understand of science. |
A website that our secondary department do to complete a variety of maths lessons that can be assessed and monitor progress for a pupil. |
A website that our primary department do to complete a variety of maths lessons that can be assessed and monitor progress for a pupil. |
Another website we have used to encourage the pupils learning of maths through fun and engaging games. |
A link to the youtube channel Cosmic Kids, many of our pupils use this site to have yoga done at a child or young person friendly version. |
Mindfullness, PE
The free area of the PhonicsPlay website is filled with free interactive games, phonics planning, assessment ideas and printable resources. There are many ideas to support teachers in delivering daily phonics sessions and lots of advice to support parents in helping their children learn to read. |
Another website that offers access to a number of fun and exciting games that engcourage phonics development. |
A website that encourages basic ICT skills development through fun and engaging games with the use of Sesame street characters. |
Link to the Nasa games for kids site, were pupils can complete a number of games to support science development. |
A link to a facebook page that has a dance teacher teach children to dance through videos. |
A link to the teachactive site where your child can learn about healthy chooses including exercise and foods. |
This website allows to you complete a number of acitivites to help develop reading with children. |
A link to audible books for kids and parents. |
English, Audible Reading
Through this website you can learn basic coding through the format of mineraft. |
Our future first pupisl use this site to help develop their employability skills for future jobs |
Our Music Therapist has developed a word document that incorporates video links to support the sessions that she runs and explanations to them. |
From phonics and reading comprehension to writing strategies and more |
Links to Resources for Families and Children
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We’ve also been hard at work putting together activity ideas for our Home Learning Hub next week, with the help of our partners such as the BBC. The hub is here to help, whether you’re a parent, carer or teacher. It’s not there to recreate school at home, it’s here to provide the ideas and support to keep our children busy and learning. We’ve had loads of feedback and photos of everyone getting involved so we know you’re all doing great.
Christy - Our music teacher has provided us with music resources to support with our pupils music lessons. |
Free ASDAN resources, to support pupils in the future first centre
Our assistant headteacher gave a link to a number of resources parents coudl use.
Our Educational Psychologist gave us this document for a number of links to sites, feelings resources, bereavement social stories and social stories. |
Links to different Maths Homework |
A blog that offers a number of sites for free for pupils and parents to use. |
Link to the ELSA support page, for emotional literacy resources. |
Primary PE videos from Simon Arnold |
More free resources for PE acitivites at home |
A link to the newsround website for news articles for kids. |
This is a poster for parents to review and possibly download apps for communication, please contact your Speech and Language therapist for more details. |
An article from the Independent about how to keep your child/ren healthy, happy and learning during closures of school. |
A free resource for PE activties to do in the home, if you give them a email they will send you free resources for PE activites such as doing exercises in the garden etc. |
British Sign are offering their learn BSL online course for £3 due to the virus. It was free but they've been overwhelmed with responses. |
They also do a 30 free day subscription for parents/ carers, in regards to outdoor learning resources. |
A social story for pupils to read with parents on how they can be superheroes at home. |
Phonics Information |
SEND Active resources |
Kurling activities from the SEND Active organisation |
Hope everyone is well and staying safe
Please follow the link below for details of how to stay active in lockdown whilst supporting a very worthwhile charity, The National Autistic Society. In these difficult times it can be hard to stay active and motivated - hopefully this challenge will provide a focus and inspiration to the Woodlands Community.
The link below will take you to the website for further information and details of how you can sign up for the 'virtual run challenges' - there is a registration fee of £5, which goes to The National Autistic Society, with further fnds being raised from sponsorship. Join Team Autism and run your distance in a location of your choice, between the dates of 1 May and 31 July. Choose your route and run this distance which can be completed in as many or as little runs as you need. Complete your distance, submit your running app evidence (or keep a log yourself) and receive your unique, virtual medal!